Thursday, May 19, 2011

Knockranny Court Tomb, near Ballyfarnon, Co Roscommon

Thought you might like to see and hear the sound of a wood surrounding an ancient court tomb in Roscommon. A feast of bluebells and birdsong. Betty and I stumbled upon this by accident, one of those spectacularly serendipitous discoveries that you remember forever...

Archaeological tidbit:  A 'Court Tomb' usually refers to a Neolithic (New Stone Age ~3000 BCE) burial site with a flat-roofed gallery, sometimes fronted by a semi-circular 'courtyard' marked out by stones. Sometimes the structures are quite complex, with more than one internal chamber. Other names for Court Tombs are Court Cairns, Court Graves, or Horned Cairns.


  1. Erin, thanks ever so much for all the archaeology information you post here and Facebook. How interesting to stumble upon such a beautiful place. If those stones could only talk and tell you what happened there so very long ago.

  2. You're welcome Cathye! I love digging things up to share with everyone. Lots of new discoveries coming to light all the time...
