Saturday, January 23, 2010

Conjuring images

Hardcover copies of FALSE MERMAID are supposed to be arriving next week, and the giddiness is setting in. I'm trying to revisit all the images that helped shape the story, to begin putting together the multimedia presentation that will resemble the slide show that plays in my head: a leaf-littered riverbank, scullers on still water, the polychromed ceiling of a library reading room, an abandoned village, craggy cliffs and seabirds and curious seals. These are all the pictures in my head as I think about FALSE MERMAID, and that I hope to conjure in the reader's imagination. I'll start posting some pictures here to give you an idea...


  1. I borrowed a copy of Lake of Sorrows on tape at our local library. We went to Ireland in October to visit my daughter, who is volunteering for a year at a respite home in Malahide. I was excited to find the book on tape, and now that I'm in the middle of it, it's very hard for me not to just drive around listening to it instead of getting out of the car to go to work or home! I can't wait to read the first book and I'm thrilled to see a new one is coming out soon! You're a wonderful author and you capture Ireland so well. Sincerely, Terri Vandecoevering

  2. Hello Terri -- delighted to hear that you found LAKE OF SORROWS true to life! Thanks for writing, and give my regards to your daughter. How is she enjoying her stay in Malahide? -- Erin
